This is the number one call amplifier manufacturers (not just us) get from guitarists. It's very rare that the amplifier is a problem. Keep in mind that an amplifier is amplifying your signal. So if your signal suddenly drops, it means that there is less input signal for your amplifier to amplify. This is usually a sign the amp is working correctly, but something in your setup is what’s causing the issue. 

You will almost always find the problem if you follow these tips:

1) CHECK YOUR INSTRUMENT: Intermittent or sudden volume drops come from intermittent or flaky connections which can be inside your instrument's electronics. Really, this is important and even if you are certain the guitar is good, convince yourself it isn't until you are sure it is.

2) CHECK ALL CABLES: Gently wiggle the ends of the cable where the cable housing meets the flexible cable end. Work your way from the input to the amplifier and on through the entire signal chain. Also test/swap out with new cables too. The majority of calls/emails we receive in regard to this issue are all caused from bad cables! If you think it's not your cable, then check again!

Our CEO explains why you should thoroughly check your cables in this video

3) CHECK ALL PEDALSIf you are using pedals, check each connecting cable in between on both sides all the way through to the guitar. Another good measure is to take each pedal out of the chain starting with the one closest to the amp and working your way back to the guitar. If all of this is done and you still have intermittent or scratchy tones.

4) CHECK THE SPEAKER CABLECheck the speaker cable coming from the back of the amplifier wiggling the soft plastic where it meets the harder connector.

5) CHECK THE SPEAKERTry running the amp through another speaker. Sometimes issues like these are the symptoms of a speaker that's on its way out.

6) CHECK THE FX LOOPIf the amplifier has an FX Loop then insert a known good cable from the FX Send to the FX return and when you insert them, rotate them several times to knock off any potential corrosion that may have occurred. 

PLEASE make sure that you've thoroughly done all troubleshooting before contacting us or any of our authorized service centers if you suspect there is an issue with your amp. We cannot stress enough how many times customers have sent amps in for repair only for there to be no problem at all.