ILLUMINE Octave effect not working
ILLUMINE firmware version 2.0.0 introduced a bug where the Octave effect did not work properly when ILLUMINE was connected with a mono output or in wet/dry ...
Mon, 15 Aug, 2022 at 8:35 AM
How do I access other presets from the footswitch?
ILLUMINE has 50 User Presets. Any number of these may be accessed using the footswitch. By default, 9 are chosen to showcase the capabilities of the pedal. ...
Fri, 18 Nov, 2022 at 8:28 AM
Preset Spillover
Preset spillover is when the reverb of the current preset continues to decay out while the newly-recalled preset begins. This functionality requires two pro...
Wed, 18 Jan, 2023 at 9:19 AM
Preset Morph does not Work with MIDI Program Change
In ILLUMINE, MIDI PC messages circumvent the Preset Morph (smooth transition) functionality. This is intentional due to architectural constraints. Fortu...
Thu, 13 Jun, 2024 at 10:59 AM