General Questions

Questions regarding multiple (or all) Quilter amps

Why Does the Direct Out Seem Weak When Going Into Line In?
The Direct Out is intended to be a replacement for miking the cabinet, so it needs to go to a mic input. Some powered speakers (QSC K-series, for example) h...
Wed, 17 Jul, 2024 at 2:17 PM
Can I Run My Head With Two Cabinets?
Absolutely! Our amps have two speaker outputs so you can build your own modular system.  Plug one into the "bottom" speaker jack and one into ...
Wed, 24 Jul, 2024 at 10:52 AM
Can I Run Two Cabinets With Different Impedances With My Head?
While running cabinets/speakers with matching impedances is recommended, our amps are typically forgiving of impedance mismatches. Running two cabs of diffe...
Thu, 11 Apr, 2024 at 10:58 AM
Can I Use My Quilter Amp To Power Speakers Inside My Dead Amp?
So your amp bit the dust. We understand. There is nothing worse than a busticated tube amp and a repair tech with dollars in their eyes. Although the amplif...
Wed, 17 Jul, 2024 at 2:19 PM
How Do I Use Direct Out?
The direct out works very much like miking the amp but without the limitations of having a mic sitting in front of the amp. All you need is to run a balance...
Wed, 17 Jul, 2024 at 2:19 PM
Can I Play Backing Tracks Through My Quilter Amp?
All our current guitar amps have a “stealth input” that allows tracks to be inserted. Procure a cable from your music source to a mono quarter inch plug, an...
Wed, 19 Jul, 2023 at 3:12 PM
Can I Run a Pre Amp/Modeler With My Quilter Amp?
You may connect an external preamp to FX Return which bypasses everything but the Reverb and Master controls. The external source will mix 50/50 with the in...
Wed, 17 Jul, 2024 at 2:20 PM
What Kind Of Headphones Should I Use With My Amp?
Taking advantage of your amp's headphone capability to use for silent, at-home practice? For the best signal, we suggest 30-50 ohms headphones. Anything...
Wed, 13 Mar, 2024 at 9:15 AM